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    Forum » AdminMod » Cum pun admin si cum ma loghez » Comenzi Admin Mode
    Comenzi Admin Mode
    filme-gamesDate: Friday, 2009-02-06, 7:23 PM | Message # 1
    Group: Administrators
    Messages: 114
    Reputation: 0
    Status: Offline
    Comenzile ADMINMODE-ului A-Z :

    1: admin_abort_vote: Aborts a vote in progress.
    2: admin_alliesassault <0>: Toggles the limit of heavy weapons the Allies can have.
    3: admin_alliesheavy <0>: Toggles the limit of heavy weapons the Allies can have.
    4: admin_allieslight <0>: Toggles the limit of heavy weapons the Allies can have.
    5: admin_alliesmg <0>: Toggles the limit of MG the Allies can have.
    6: admin_alliessniper <0>: Toggles the limit of snipers the Allies can have.
    7: admin_allowspectate <0>: Determines if the server will allow clients to spectate the game.
    8: admin_autokick <1>: mp_autokick on or off
    9: admin_autoteambalance <#>: setting for mp_autoteambalance
    10: admin_axisassault <0>: Toggles the limit of heavy assault players the Axis
    11: admin_axisheavy <0>: Toggles the limit of heavy weapons the Axis can have.
    12: admin_axislight <0>: Toggles the limit of heavy light infantry the Axis can have.
    13: admin_axismg <0>: Toggles the limit of MG the Axis can have.
    14: admin_axissniper <0>: Toggles the limit of snipers the Axis can have.
    15: admin_b1tchslap <player>: Slaps the player around several times
    16: admin_balance <"on" | "off">: Sets the forced team balancing.
    17: admin_ban <target> [<minutes>] ['ip']: Bans target. 0 minutes is a permanent ban.
    18: admin_banip <target> [<minutes>]: Bans targets ip address. 0 minutes is a permanent ban.
    19: admin_blue <target>: Changes target to the blue team.
    20: admin_bulletwhizz <0>: Toggles the bulletwhizz sound to
    21: admin_bury <target>: Bury target in the ground.
    22: admin_buytime <#>: setting for mp_buytime
    23: admin_c4timer <#>: setting for mp_c4timer
    24: admin_cancelvote: Cancels the current hlds_ld vote.
    25: admin_cat <file> <page> [<"1" | "0">]: cat the <file> and show page <page> with or without linenumbers
    26: admin_chat <msg>: Shows message only to other admins.
    27: admin_chatmsg <1>: Toggle standard HL chat messages, 1=Yes, 2=No.
    28: admin_chattime <#>: setting for mp_chattime
    29: admin_clan_match <0>: Toggles clan match mode.
    30: admin_clan_start :Starts the c
    31: admin_clan_timer <seconds>: Seconds before clan match after admin_clan_start.
    32: admin_consistency <#>: setting for mp_consistency
    33: admin_csay [color] <msg>: Shows message in center of screen.
    34: admin_csay [color] <msg>: Shows message in center of screen. (Center-say)
    35: admin_csgsaysay <msg>: Prints msg in center of screen in flickering CSGuard style text. (CSG-Say)
    36: admin_ct <target>: Changes target to the counter-terrorist team.
    37: admin_deathmsg <0>: Toggles deathmessages on/off.
    38: admin_delfile <file>: deletes the file <file>
    39: admin_delline <file> <linenumer>: deletes a line in a file
    40: admin_denymap <map>: Removes all votes for map.
    41: admin_disco: Starts disco fever. Fun mode only.
    42: admin_fadetoblack <1>: mp_fadetoblack on or off
    43: admin_flashlight <1>: mp_flashlight on or off
    44: admin_footsteps <1>: mp_footsteps on or off
    45: admin_forcecamera <#>: setting for mp_forcecamera 51: admin_fun <"on" | "off">: Turns fun mode on or off.
    46: admin_forcechasecam <#>: setting for mp_forcechasecam
    47: admin_fraglimit <fraglimit>: Sets the mp_fraglimit cvar.
    48: admin_freezetime <#>: setting for mp_freezetime
    49: admin_friendlyfire <friendlyfire>: Sets the mp_friendlyfire cvar.
    50: admin_fsay [color] [color] <msg>: Prints msg in center of screen in flickering text. (Flicker-say)
    51: admin_fun <"on" | "off">: Turns fun mode on or off.
    52: admin_ghostfrequency <#>: setting for mp_ghostfrequency
    53: admin_glow <color>: Causes you to glow that color.
    54: admin_godmode <target> <"on" | "off">: Sets godmode on target.
    55: admin_gravity <gravity>: Sets the sv_gravity cvar.
    56: admin_green <target>: Changes target to the green team.
    57: admin_grep <file> <pattern> <page> [<"1" | "0">]: grep <file> and show patternmatched lines on page <page> with or without linenumbers
    58: admin_hltv: Shows information about connected hltv.
    59: admin_hltv_connect: Redirects yourself or someone else to the HLTV.
    60: admin_hpenalty <#>: setting for mp_hostagepenalty
    61: Test.
    62: admin_isay <msg>: Show important server infomessages.
    63: admin_karaoke <songID> : launch a karaoke.
    64: admin_kick <target> [<reason>]: Kicks target.
    65: admin_kickpercent <#>: setting for mp_kickpercent
    66: admin_limitteams <1>: mp_limitteams on or off
    67: admin_list_karaoke : lists available songIDs/songs.
    68: admin_listmaps: Shows maps in mapcycle.
    69: admin_listspawn: Lists all spawned entities.
    70: admin_llama <target>: Llama-fy target.
    71: admin_map <map>: Changes map.
    72: admin_mapvoteratio <#>: setting for mp_mapvoteratio
    73: admin_maxrounds <#>: setting for mp_maxrounds
    74: admin_message <msg> : Tells everybody to get the hell out...
    75: admin_motd: Displays a MOTD style window on the client with a msg of your choice.
    76: admin_movespawn <identity> <X> <Y> <Z> <XAngle> <YAngle> <ZAngle>: Moves a spawned item.
    77: admin_nextmap: Shows next map in cycle.
    78: admin_noclip <target> <"on" | "off">: Sets noclip on target.
    79: admin_pause: Sets the pausable cvar to 1.
    80: admin_pcsay <User> <Message>: Private centersay to a user
    81: admin_playerid <#>: setting for mp_playerid
    82: admin_prematch <prematch>: Sets the tfc_clanbattle_prematch cvar.
    83: admin_psay <target> <msg>: Sends a private msg to target.
    84: admin_ptsay <User> <Message>: Private typesay to a user
    85: admin_red <target>: Changes target to the red team.
    86: admin_reload: Reloads Admin Mod files.
    87: admin_removespawn <identity>: Removes a spawned item.
    88: admin_resetfile <file>: clears the file <file>
    89: admin_restart <seconds>: Restarts the round.
    90: admin_restartround <seconds>: Restarts the round.
    91: admin_restrict: Control restrictions - admin_restrict help for details.
    92: admin_restrictmenu: Displays menu for changing weaponrestrictions.
    93: admin_roundtime <#>: setting for mp_roundtime
    94: admin_rsat <C1> <C2> <Message> Print rainbow fading csays
    95: admin_rsay [color] [color] <msg>: Prints msg in center of screen in fading text. (Raindow-say)
    96: admin_say <msg>: Shows a message from you as admin.
    97: admin_showip. Shows the ip addresses of clients.
    98: admin_slap <target>: Slaps target.
    99: admin_slay <target>: Slays target.
    100: admin_slayteam <team>: Slays everyone on team.
    101: admin_sound_help: Lists all sounds and commands
    102: admin_spawn <class> <X> <Y> <Z> <XAngle> <YAngle> <ZAngle>: Spawns a new item.
    103: admin_speak <target> <msg>: Speak words on system of target.
    104: admin_speakall <msg>: Speak words on system of everyone.
    105: admin_speakteam <team> <msg>: Speak words on systems of everyone on team.
    106: admin_ssay <msg>: Shows a message admin without identification.
    107: admin_stack: Will stack everyone on top of you.
    108: admin_startmoney <800>: setting for mp_startmoney
    109: admin_startvote: Starts an hlds_ld vote.
    110: admin_t <target>: Changes target to the terrorist team.
    111: admin_teamlimit <number>: Number of extra players a team will be allowed to have.
    112: admin_teamplay <teamplay>: Sets the mp_teamplay cvar.
    113: admin_teleport <target> <X> <Y> <Z>: Teleports target to the given coordinates. See admin_userorigin.
    114: admin_timebomb <target>: Turns player into time-bomb.
    115: admin_timebombs <on>: Controls whether players can kamikaze.
    116: admin_timeleft: Shows the time left.a
    117: admin_timelimit <timelimit>: Sets the mp_timelimit cvar.
    118: admin_tkpenalty <number>: Number of TK's before kick, -1 to turn off.
    119: admin_tkpunish <1>: mp_tkpunish on or off
    120: admin_tsay [color] <msg>: Prints msg on lower left o
    121: admin_tsay [color] <msg>: Prints msg on lower left of screen. (Type-say)
    122: admin_unban <WONID>: Unbans target.
    123: admin_unbury <target>: un-Bury target from the ground.
    124: admin_unllama <target>: Unllama-fy target.
    125: admin_unpause: Sets the pausable cvar to 0.
    126: admin_unrestrict: Control restrictions - admin_unrestrict help for details.
    127: admin_userlist [<name>]: Shows a list of users.
    128: admin_userorigin <target>: Returns the X, Y, Z coordinates of target.
    129: admin_voice <0>: HL voice system, 1=Team can talk across map, 2=Can only talk within a
    130: admin_vote_ban <name> <time> : Starts a vote to ban target for 0 minutes.
    131: admin_vote_ff : Starts a vote to enable/disable friendly fire.
    132: admin_vote_funmode : Starts a vote to enable/disable fun mode.
    133: admin_vote_karaoke <songID> : vote for a karaoke.
    134: admin_vote_kick <target>: Starts a vote to kick target.
    135: admin_vote_map <map>: Starts a vote to change the map.
    136: admin_vote_mute <name> : Starts a vote to mute target.
    137: admin_vote_restart: Starts a vote to restart the round.
    138: admin_vote_restrict <menu> <weapon> : Starts a vote to enable/restrict weapons.
    139: admin_vote_slay <target>: Starts a vote to slay target.
    140: admin_vote_stack <target>: Starts a vote to sta
    141: admin_vote_timebomb <target>: Starts a vote to turn a target into a timebomb.
    142: admin_votefun : Opens a vote for Fun On/Off!
    143: admin_vsay <question>: Presents question as a vote.
    144: admin_warn <target>: Issues warnings sequectially with a punishment to get their attention.
    145: admin_who: Shows who has access above normal.
    146: admin_winlimit <#>: setting for mp_winlimit
    147: admin_write <file> <linenumer> <linetowrite>: appends/replaces a line in a file
    148: admin_yellow <target>: Changes target to the yellow team.
    149: say cancelvote: Cancels the current hlds_ld vote.
    150: say denymap <map>: Removes all votes for map.
    151: say mapvote: Starts an hlds_ld vote.
    152: say rockthevote: Starts an hlds_ld vote.
    153: say vote <map>: Places a vote for the map.
    154: say glow <color>: Causes you to glow that color. Fun mode only.
    155: say hltvconnect: Redirects yourself to the HLTV.
    156: say ff on, ff is on, friendly fire on: Will give friendly fire status.
    157: say timeleft: Will speak the time left.
    158: say thetime: Speaks/displays current server time.
    159: vote_afk <name> : Starts a vote to kick target.
    160: vote_ban <name> <time> : Starts a vote to ban target for x minutes
    161: vote_camper <name> : Starts a vote to slay a target.

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